Distribution of aquatic oligochaetes in the Netherlands
Ton Van Haaren  1@  
1 : Eurofins AquaSense
H.J.E. Wenckebachweg 120 1114 AD Amsterdam-Duivendrecht -  Netherlands

In 2013, Jan Soors and I published our book on the Dutch and Belgian species of aquatic Oligochaetes. It presented an identification key and ecology for fresh- and brackish water species occurring in The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Furthermore, in 2016 an additional paper was published on the marine and brackish water species from the Netherlands (van Haaren 2016). Both papers combined listed 99 and 32 species respectively and 118 in total for the Netherlands. New research, but also new methods in sieving and sorting, revealed that an additional 10 species could be added to the Dutch fauna. Some species were to be expected because they had already been found in the surrounding countries and were already dealt with in the previous publications (Sparganophilus tamesis, Criodrilus lacuum, Adelodrilus pusillus, Gianius aquaedulcis, Stylodrilus lemani, Chaetogaster setosus and Pristina proboscidea) but some were unexpected (freshwater Aktedrilus sp., Aulophorus vagus, Bratislavia palmeni). In a new publication for each of the species a distribution map will be presented as well as some additional information on taxonomy and when the species reach sexual maturity in our country. For the distribution map a total of over 260,000 records have been gathered but this number has halved by taxonomic adjustments. The species with the most records are Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, L. claparedianus, Stylaria lacustris and Lumbriculus variegatus with over 10,000 records each.

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